
What is coaching?

Coaching is at its essence a process of self-discovery. As a coach, I will support you to find your own answers as you contemplate how you want to lead your life, through thought-provoking questions, offering new perspectives, and articulating what I see. I believe you’re the expert of your own life; as your coach, I’m here to help you realize that expertise more fully.

What topics do we explore?

My coaching practice is open to all, but I particularly enjoy working with mid-career professionals who are searching for something different in their lives. You might be in the rat race — and maybe even winning it — but you wonder if it’s a race you really want to be in. You’re ready to explore what’s next, whether that be a career or other life transition, or simply a new perspective on your everyday. Together we partner on topics like:

  • Building courage and resilience

  • Shifting your work/life balance

  • Forming a new relationship with stress

  • Addressing your inner critic

  • Exercising more intentionality and choice

  • Improving your relationships

Ultimately we go on an exploration to discover what’s most important to you, and then how to live in alignment with those values.

What does a typical session look like?

You’ll bring a topic each time; it could be an ongoing one that we continue to deepen over multiple sessions, or it could be a new issue you want to delve into for the first time. Most of the session will be focused on deepening your learning and determining how you want to be and what you want to do. At the end of each session, we’ll co-create some homework for you — as the magic of coaching happens between sessions, with the real changes you make in your life and your mindset. At the beginning of the next session, we’ll debrief your learnings. Accountability is a key benefit of the coaching relationship, and something I am deeply invested in.

Sessions are conducted over video or audio conference, depending on the client’s preference.

What is coaching not?

Almost as important as what coaching is, is what coaching is not. I won’t be your therapist, your consultant, your advice giver, or your judge. We are equal in the coaching relationship, and I am not an expert doling out wisdom. Coaching is not focused on solving problems, though problems will be undoubtedly solved. One of my favorite quotes is from late CTI coach Jim Patterson: “We don’t coach for a problem to be solved. We coach for a life to be lived.” The focus is not on fixing, but on living your life more fully.

If you’re searching for great advice, don’t look to me. Look inside yourself.