
What’s in a name?

“Pair of ducks” is principally a play on the word “paradox.” Why paradox? I’ve always been drawn to paradoxes, and they show up often in life — and anything that shows up often in life shows up often in coaching.

I’ll give you some examples from my own life. I want to challenge myself, but I also want to be at ease. I yearn for adventure, yet I also crave safety. I love change and surprises, but I also want stability. I push myself to achieve more, but I also want to be content with what I already have. One of my most important values is freedom, but another is responsibility. I appreciate beauty, yet I want to be comfortable with messiness. I highly value discipline, but also indulgence. Do any of these sound familiar? They are some of the paradoxes of life, and we explore them through coaching. What are yours?

There’s a further meaning to the name “pair of ducks.” A coaching relationship is one of two equals, engaged in a partnership. I as the coach will mirror back to you, but offering a new perspective. And, I absolutely love animals, so the name is just fun. :-) Above all else, coaching — and life — should be joyful.